'Mailbu's Most Wanted'
(Jaime Kennedy / R / 81 mins / Warner Bros.)
Overview: Malibu's Brad "B-Rad" Gluckman (Jaime Kennedy) is a struggling (and very white) rapper whose father is running for governor. After some of B-Rad's would-be gangsta antics endanger the election bid, his father hires a couple of actors to portray South Central thugs and scare the "rap" out of B-Rad.
Verdict: An unerring sign of the awfulness of 'Malibu's Most Wanted' is a series of the least funny outtakes ever appended to a movie's closing credits! That aside though, as you would have had to sit through this drivel to get to that lame stage, 'Malibu's Most Wanted' is witless crap, stinks every which way but loose, but then again, surprisingly no more so than a handful of other comedies released this year!! Sure, Kennedy and his writers have come up with some funny one-liners, but they are let down by the feebleness of the structure. Amiable, but not especially funny, 'Mailbu's Most Wanted' is a send-up of rap personalities in which no one actually has a personality!!