'Anger Management'
(Adam Sandler, Jack Nicolson / R / 104 mins / Sony Pictures)
Overview: Adam Sandler plays a cowardly businessman who's accidentally sent to an anger-management program. The program's instructor (Jack Nicholson), a rabidly aggressive nutcase, turns Sandler's character's life upside down.
Verdict: 'Anger Management' highlights bizarre comedy much the same way it was achieved in 'Planes, Trains & Automobiles' by both Candy and Martin. A funny setup to a lame punch line, the concept is truly inspired, it just doesn't possess the discipline to peel laughs off its potentially riotous premise. Luckily though, 'Anger Management' is resolutely conventional and thankfully avoids the crassness of so much of Sandler's previous work! 'Anger Management' may well be a subtle form of classic Sandler shtick, and is often a quietly-funny crowd-pleaser, but overall it just isn't hilarious, but keeps feeling as if it should be!