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Ghost Canyon

'Mystery Science Theater 3000 Collection Vol. 11'
(Joel, Crow and Tom Servo, et al / 4-Disc DVD / Unrated / (1988) 2007 / Rhino Theatrical)

Overview: Book your return flight to the Satellite of Love and join Joel, Mike and the 'bots for another fearful foursome of flops in this collection of episodes from the Peabody Award-winning series Mystery Science Theater 3000.

DVD Verdict: If history has taught us anything it is this, you can't depend on the new MST3K sets to be available for long, so if you're interested it's best to get them while you can. Case in point, Mystery Science Theater 3000 volume 10... available for purchase for about three months and then it was suddenly pulled from the shelves in a quiet recall with no replacements ever sent out. I myself had to get Volume 10 off of eBay (at a hefty premium at that) because I waited too long thinking it was a buy I could put off for a little bit. How wrong I was. The moral of the story is, now that Volume 11 is out (as well as upcoming Volumes 12, 13, 14 and so on), it's better to hedge your bets and get it as fast as possible - before they vanish all too soon!

Anyway, this 'Volume 11' set features one episode from season 2, two from season 4, and one from season 10. Three episodes feature show creator Joel Hodgson as host, while one features head writer Mike Nelson as host. These are four really funny episodes and (again) there should be no hesitation in buying this set!

Episodes: 'Ring Of Terror' Animal house of horror. Plus Short: The Phantom Creeps, Part 3 - Show #206; 'The Indestructible Man' Butcher's Special: Revenge (served cold). Plus Short: Undersea Kingdom, Part 2; 'Tormented' What happens at the lighthouse stays at the lighthouse. Show #414; 'Horrors Of Spider Island' Now with less nudity and more werewolves! Show #1011.

It's not surprising that 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' bucked the trends and found a way to reinvent itself for Sci-Fi. After all, the series built its reputation on having to constantly shift gears based on the movie being done any given week. One episode they'd be immersed in Asian anarchy as Godzilla or Gamera was running around Tokyo having a Toyota temper tantrum, another time it would be the Serbo-Croatian call of the Eastern Block as wildly warped fantasy films about woman-headed birds and Sampos scream across the screen.

It was actually a challenge for the MST3K crew to come up with a linear story arch and serialized installments for each new show. The fact that, with a couple of missteps along the way, they managed to make it work is one of the wonders of the show. It bears repeating that this was one of the few television vehicles where success or failure was measured on how well the writers reacted to material crafted by others, basing their entire ability to entertain on how well they deconstructed the usually awful cinematic work of amateur auteurs. This is a Full Screen Presentation (1.33:1) enhanced for 16x9 TVs and comes with the Special Features of:
Original Theatrical Trailers
MST3K Video Jukebox Vol. 2
MST Hour "Jack Perkins" Wraps for Tormented
A Tormented Reunion with director Bert I. Gordon and stars Susan Gordon & Joe Turkel
