'Sucker Punch' (Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy)
(Abbie Cornish, Emily Browning, et al / 3-Disc Blu ray+DVD+Digital Copy / PG-13 / 2011 / Warner Bros.)
Overview: Born from the creative vision of filmmaker Zack Snyder (Watchmen, 300), this epic action fantasy launches from the vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides the ultimate escape from her darker reality. Locked away against her will, Babydoll (Emily Browning) has not lost her will to survive.
Blu ray Verdict: Oh dear ... my friends are comparing this movie to the Matrix and Kill Bill. Really?! The Matrix (the first one) and Kill Bill had plots that made sense and the story progression in those movies were woven so beautifully; while, in contrast, this movie felt like a slap to the face.
The main character starts to dance and all of a sudden she finds herself in an extremely linear path to fight some creature or disable some bomb. There is no logic here. It's kinda like one of those video games where you must endlessly repeat some tired tasks of delivering a package with no variation or surprise. After you have seen the first sequence you'll soon find that the movie has nothing new for you and attempts to feed you more of the same over and over again.
The transition from real world to the action sequences is idiotic and senseless. For example, the main character begins to do some amazing dance (which is never shown) that in turn distracts some other character which gives yet another character the opportunity to steal some object (like a key or a lighter).
Apparently due to this amazing dance the lead characters are all transported to some fantasy world where they are instructed to do something with absolutely no relation to the real world mission at hand; such as fighting a monster. They kill the monster and return to the real world where their success in the fantasy world equates to success in the real world. Then they repeat: Dance, fantasy, steal item, dance, fantasy, steal item. This mind numbing sequence is repeated at least 5 times and consumes the majority of the flick.
A friend of mine claims this movie is 'thought provoking.' I would have to say this movie is as thought provoking as the statement, "Oranges see better when Jupiter has a ham sandwich". If you don't realize this statement is senseless and has no meaning then you may find this movie thought provoking.
The one positive thing I can say about this movie is that the lead actress is cute. It's really a shame they didn't show some erotic dance because if they had this movie may have actually deserved the one star rating given. I suppose a pretty face and boat loads of cash is all that is required to make a movie; it seems a story is no longer necessary as long as movies like this are met with so many positive ratings. This is a Widescreen Presentation (2.40:1) enhanced for 16x9 TVs and the Blu-ray comes with the Special Features of:
Extended Cut Feature Film
Theatrical Cut Feature Film
Motion Comics
"Feudal Warriros"
"The Trenches"
"Distant Planet"
Sucker Punch: Behind the Soundtrack
Maximum Movie Mode - "Exploring the Fantasy World"
12 Walk-ons with Zack
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