Title - Unexpected Direction
Artist - Alex Madeline
For those unaware, saxophonist Alex Madeline, known for seamlessly blending American jazz with French flair, is set to embark on an exhilarating musical journey with the release of his debut album, Unexpected Direction.
Madeline is a saxophonist and composer who produces music that tells stories. He fell in love with the saxophone when he was 14 years old and has been playing for over 17 years. His music is a unique blend of jazz and classical influences that takes listeners on a journey, evoking new places and emotions.
Alex received a European scholarship, which led him to study at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, where he learned from some of the best jazz musicians in the world.
He has performed at prestigious venues like Carnegie Hall in New York and the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington DC and has won several awards, including the Paul Wagner Award in 2015 and the Queens Council on the Arts New Work Grant in 2022. Alex is known for his ability to blend American jazz with French flair.
His debut album, Unexpected Direction, will be released on June 14th, 2024. The album’s first single, “Balance,” is already available on all music platforms and showcases Alex’s unique approach to jazz and his talent for navigating unexpected rhythms and time signatures.
1. Direction
2. Balance
3. Or3
4. Voyage
5. Thoughts
6. Dream
This recording of complete musical awareness, opens on the aching orchestral yearn, at first, latterly a scattered, yet playful series of rhythms that drives Direction and the sweeping elegance of Balance and then we get the more precise, delicate, spoken word work of Or3, the veritably glistening Voyage, and then the recording rounds out with the harmonically-hued Thoughts, closing on the gently strident, haunting swirls and twirls that fluctuate within Dream.
Alex Madeline @ Facebook