Maya Mire
By: Paul Nugent - 6th Books - $12.95
Overview: Sometimes we encounter something extraordinary, something so different and unusual that we don’t know what to make of it. That is the case with Maya Mire: A Spiritual Journey into Cosmic Truth and the Dawning of a New World.
Is it true, or is it fiction? Clearly the author believes it all to be true. In this regard, Maya Mire is the story of Paul Nugent’s own spiritual quest to discover the universal journey we are all making--and have been since the beginning of time--embracing alien worlds, higher and lower dimensions of reality, and living galaxies.
Verdict: Maya Mire: A Spiritual Journey into Cosmic Truth and the Dawning of a New World by author Paul Nugent is a compelling story told by a close disciple of the Western master of yoga, George King, who founded The Aetherius Society in London, England, in 1955.
George King was a contactee for intelligences existing upon the higher dimensions of other planets within our solar system. In over 600 “cosmic transmissions,” they outlined this timeless odyssey that humanity--and all of Creation--is making with ever-expanding consciousness back to the ultimate Source from which we all sprang billions of years ago.
In what is a most compelling, engrossing and thoroughly impassioned new prose from author Paul Nugent, this 17 chapter book begins in Maldek, a long, long time ago (over 18 million years, to be nearer the factual point) and it marks the point when,m if nothing else, we shied away from the evolutionary path and fell into a very deep chasm of cosmic darkness.
Time, as we knew it, ended. The consequences were not good. Sleep, to all intents and purposes, was better than being awake, or so it seemed.
Having been noted in quite a few of my own personal conversations on the subject down the years, if you’re into conspiracy theories, you may well have heard of Maldek — a planet that supposedly existed in our solar system before it was destroyed by a cataclysmic event.
Indeed, according to these aforementioned conspiracy theorists, of which, for the record, I am not one of, Maldek was located between Mars and Jupiter and was home to an advanced civilization. But, as the story goes, Maldek was destroyed in a war with another planet, leaving behind only a belt of asteroids and debris known as the asteroid belt.
Now, of course, this theory is not new as it’s been around for decades, with many different variations. But what’s interesting is that it’s not just fringe theories for some experts in the field of planetary science have also weighed in on the possibility of a lost planet in our solar system.
So here in Maya Mire, Nugent describes his very own spiritual journey as well as expounding on the cosmic philosophy of The Aetherius Society - a worldwide spiritual organization dedicated to spreading and acting upon teachings of advanced extraterrestrial intelligences.
About the Author - Born in Cambridge, England, in 1958, Paul Nugent was brought up in the Church of England, culminating in regular worship and charitable work for the homeless at London’s famous St. Martin’s in the Fields church in Trafalgar Square.
Having completed a business degree in 1980, he later embarked on a four-year study of Eastern Philosophy at London’s School of Economic Science, as well as spending two periods at the New Age spiritual community of Findhorn in the north of Scotland. He has been a director of The Aetherius Society since 2001. He lives in Los Angeles, CA.
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