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Book Reviews
The Magic of the Seal: Ocean Messengers
By: Melanie Godfrey - Moon Books - $12.95

Overview: This book will take you on a journey to awaken a spiritual relationship with the seal, familiarizing you with the seal’s anima as well as its history with the Gaelic ancestors of the British Isles.

Verdict: The Clan of the Seal on North Uist, and the traditional oral storytellers, were the transmitters and custodians of folklore, who told tales about the kindly selchie and revered seals as sacred, akin to their own family.

The gentle seal will help reclaim what is lost within as we remember our Celtic heritage and identity in this fragile world. Seal lore teaches valuable lessons in integrity and kindness, and ignites our imagination, leading us to the seal’s inner landscape of presence and peace -- inevitably towards our own inner peace.

This is the magic of the seal; not lost, but found.

As we all most likely know, Seals are pinnipeds, a group of animals with three separate families—phocidae (eared seals), otaridae (non-eared seals), and odobenidae (walruses)—that are the only mammals that feed in the water and breed on land.

Seals are found along most coasts and cold waters, but a majority of them live in the Arctic and Antarctic waters. Harbor, ringed, ribbon, spotted and bearded seals, as well as northern fur seals and Steller sea lions live in the Arctic region.

But what we get here in this brand new book The Magic of the Seal: Ocean Messengers from author Melanie Godfrey, is moreover a revealing of just how magical, how legendary and how soulful Seals have been and continue to be for our planet.

Inclusive of generous bouts of folklore, scientific facts and historical mythology, we learn from the off that seals and humanity have had a long, and complicated relationship for thousands of years, and so what the author does here is explore their folklore, through both an historical and scientific lens, so that we might all become better sea life enthusiasts.

Dedicated to Elizabeth and all the wild seals who wander the oceans, who need our compassion, protection and understanding, The Magic of the Seal: Ocean Messengers is an incredible read, and one that we can only hope brings new, inspired, forward-thinking thoughts to all those who have a devoted love for these most wondrous of God’s creatures.

About the Author - Melanie Godfrey was born in Cheshire but grew up in Cornwall, the Land of Saints. Melanie is a qualified Therapeutic Counsellor with the Counselling and Psychotherapeutic Central Awarding Body UK, a Spiritualist Healer with The Healing Trust UK, and currently studying Druidry with the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. She lives in Cornwall, UK.

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