Irreducible: Consciousness, Life, Computers ...
By: Federico Faggin - Essentia Books - $17.95
Overview: Federico Faggin is one of the greatest luminaries of high technology alive today. A physicist by education, he is the inventor of the microprocessor and the MOS silicon gate technology, both of which underlie the modern world’s entire information technology.
With the knowledge and experience of a lifetime in cutting-edge fields, Federico now turns his attention to consciousness and the nature of reality, sharing with us his profound insights on the classical and quantum worlds, artificial intelligence, life and the human mind.
Verdict: In this book, he elaborates on an idealist model of reality, produced after years of careful thought and direct experience, according to which nature’s most fundamental level is that of consciousness as a quantum phenomenon, while the classical physical world consists merely of evocative symbols of a deeper reality.
Born in Vicenza, Italy, Federico Faggin is, without a shadow of a doubt, is one of the most well-rounded Idealist’s alive. I don’t think that there is even a contest out there to sway me, but whether you believe me or not, his introspective insights into the primary of consciousness are both scientifically informed and wholly, dutifully impassioned.
As for this book, well, throughout history, philosophers, scientists, and mystics alike have grappled with the enigma of consciousness. Some see it as a product of the brain’s neural activity, while others believe it’s a fundamental aspect of the universe, woven into the fabric of reality itself.
And as the author Federico Faggin himself says, when posed the question What is The World Like within the Preface/Introduction, Today we are still grappling with this question, which human beings have always asked themselves. For centuries it was believed that the world consisted of earth, water, air and fire, in various proportions.
Only in the last hundred years, with the advent of quantum physics, have we made great strides in understanding the nature of reality. We have in fact discovered that matter, which seemed solid and compact, is instead made of vibratory energy!
He goes on to talk about more on this and other things that thrive within, and therefore drive this new book, within other sub-sections at the beginning, such as The Search for Truth, The Awakening, Key Questions and The New Science of Consciousness.
And amongst the following two parts, which are broken down into 13 chapters that follow, along with a three-part Conclusion, Faggin elaborates on an idealist model of reality, produced after years of careful thought and direct experience, according to which nature’s most fundamental level is that of consciousness as a quantum phenomenon, while the classical physical world consists merely of evocative symbols of a deeper reality.
Ergo, and in short, this book is an incredible read from start to finish and one that I think everyone should give serious time to.
About the Author - Federico Faggin is a physicist, engineer, inventor, entrepreneur, and author. He developed the MOS Silicon Gate Technology at Fairchild and designed the world’s first microprocessor at Intel. Faggin also founded and led Zilog and Synaptics before starting the Federico and Elvia Faggin Foundation dedicated to the scientific study of consciousness. He lives in Los Altos Hills, CA.
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