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Book Reviews
Word of the Day: Transform Your Writing ...
By: Marilyn Horowitz - O-Books - $12.95

Overview: Offering a unique creativity-and-time-management technique, Word of the Day is a practice that assists writers to create at will, write as much as they want, and acquire accurate self-acknowledgement in the process.

The practice immediately connects writers with their innate storytelling ability as reflected in their dreams. The techniques synthesize the right and left sides of the brain so that writers can draw upon the entirety of their creative tools, fusing the verbal and visual mind, unleashing structural instincts and creativity, allowing them to dance together.

Verdict: Writers are asked to put a notebook by their bed so they can write first thing in the morning when they wake up and just before bedtime. Studies have shown that our most creative moments happen immediately upon waking and just before falling asleep.

Writing adjacent to these moments, even briefly, gives writers access to their unlimited imagination, powerful tools of imagery, and the full scope of their memory.

Being a writer since, I believe birth, or at the very least someone whose love of the English language has been evident since early school days, it’s books like these that draw me in from the get-go.

Thus, and now having read it twice through, cover to cover, what Word of the Day: Transform Your Writing in 15 Minutes a Day by author Marilyn Horowitz does is help to clarify and bring into better focus the writer’s most likely jumbled thoughts.

Helping to sort out, to differentiate what is actually need, and is good for the sentence, along with what keeps the readers attention, the prose is not only helpful, educational (if you allow it to be), but is thoroughly engrossing and highly enjoyable.

And it does all this by providing the living tools from what can be found both within us and around us, which means as you take notations along the way, and from day one, you will clearly see the growth within your words/work by looking back at daily scripts and such; viewing their relative forms, their growth of confidence and maturity.

And do not be scared or put off by this form of diligently schooled learning, no matter what age you are, for as the author herself says: The Word of the Day Practice is a fifteen-minute daily journaling process that will permanently upgrade your writing. By writing as soon as you wake up and learning to manage your time differently, the whole experience of your writing time can become my joyous and productive.

About the Author - Marilyn Horowitz is an award-winning author, New York University professor, TV show creator, and writing coach, working with successful novelists, produced screenwriters, and award-winning filmmakers. Horowitz received the coveted New York University Award for Teaching Excellence in 2004 and has an active online audience comprising 5,000 Facebook friends, over 10,000 connections on LinkedIn, and 2,500 readers of her weekly blog.

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