Expanding Scriptures: Lost & Found
By: Don MacGregor - Christian Alternative, $12.95
Description: Expanding Scriptures: Lost and Found considers what could be added to the Bible from rediscoveries of recent years, supports a new role for Mary Magdalene and looks at how it can all be reframed within the Perennial Wisdom teachings.
Verdict: Whilst always staying attune to the Bible throughout Expanding Scriptures: Lost and Found: The Wisdom Series Book 2, author Dan MacGregor covers what is already known, but intriguingly proffers adjustments (updates) to the already comprehensive Book of God.
A must-have for all spiritual seekers, whether via Christianity or otherwise, this new book - which has six chapters - The Bible and How It Came To Be, The Lost Christianities and the Gospel of Thomas, The Lost Christianities and Mary Magdalene, The Hard Problem of Interpretation, Reinterpretations and Why Numbers Matter - is a really well-researched work.
Not overcomplicated, not entangled within its own weeds of known written knowledge vs what could/should have been it culminates (in just over 100 pages) in providing a directly realistic set of wisdoms to impart to all those interested in our modern times.
About the Author - Don MacGregor is an author, retired Anglican Priest, former science teacher and university chaplain. He has embarked on a series of books which seek to expand the theological framework of Christianity into the Perennial Wisdom cosmology, thus making it a more universal spirituality.
Don is passionate about finding a new way forward for Christianity which incorporates twenty-first century science and worldviews. He lives in St Davids, UK.
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