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Book Reviews
Spirituality Will Save The World
By: Sally Smith - O-Books, $14.95

Description: Spirituality Will Save The World: The Beginner’s Guide to Self-Realization is, at its heart, a survey of ancient spirituality and Self-realization for the embodied soul in the modern day.

With increasing levels of polarization, humanity is moving in the wrong direction. We need to recognize our most innate intentions and act on achieving them.

Spirituality, in its broadest sense, calls for personal betterment. By becoming aware of one’s own sense of spirituality - their belief system - the individual will set forth on the trajectory of improvement and enlightenment.

Verdict: The human, in its individuality, represents larger scale systems that define our existence. By projecting a conscious effort towards a better personal ideal, the same changes will reflect in the external world around us.

In what is a magnificently created embodiment of scriptures that lay out the journey of awakening, here relayed through the author, Sally Smith, and her very own personal journey, Spirituality Will Save The World: The Beginner’s Guide to Self-Realization is one of the most edifying books that I have had the pleasure to read in the past few years.

As we are all more than aware, throughout time, there have always been those that need help and those that give help. Sometimes we are the ones in need of help and other times we are the helper. It is in this giving and receiving that our humanity is shared and our highest potentials are reached.

What Sally sets out to achieve here is an awakening, and awareness within her own age group so that they can grow and learn together in order to shape the future.

Thus within these chapters we get made aware of Helpful Energies (we love these guys), Resistance Energies (they’re the worst!), and even Duality Energies (where they function as a unit, acting as the ebb and flow of universal pattern).

We also learn about meditation, and how in all of ancient wisdom, it is said that meditation is the surefire way to Self-realize, and how it doesn’t really matter your intention, because if you set it up and maintain a consistent meditation practice, you will absolutely receive major benefits and massive insights along your path of personal and spiritual growth.

As a call for Self-realization in the modern world, Spirituality Will Save The World surveys spirituality through a contemporary lens backed by ancient insight and the author’s personal experience.

However, and with all that said, these words of wisdom are for anyone with an open-mind and an expanding perspective - written for the beginner by a beginner. This is not a text to be taken seriously. Have fun with the material as you begin to uncover or expand your belief system.

About the Author - Sally Smith is an explorer, driven by the discovery of universal knowledge. Sally’s writing incorporates her preliminary lessons and her personal experience in order to speak to the beginner spiritualist.

Her mission is to share her journey in cultivating a spiritual belief system in hopes that it might lead others to take part in the exploration, develop their own system of belief, and together affect positive change for the future. She lives in Richmond, Virginia.

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