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6 Degrees Entertainment

Book Reviews
Conform or Be Cast Out
By: Logan Albright – Moon Books, $16.95)

Description: Everyone knows that being different is a good way to be unpopular, but what if you’re so different that people think you are an actual servant of evil?

Conform or Be Cast Out is a history of humankind’s tendency not only to shun nonconformists, but to label them as devils, demons, and Satan worshippers.

Beginning with scapegoats and devil figures in folklore and mythology, the book moves on to look at other aspects of nonconformity such as witchcraft, the Inquisition, spiritualism and medical conditions once mistaken for lycanthropy, vampirism, and demonic possession before concluding with a discussion on aspects of contemporary culture ranging from heavy metal music to zombie movies.

Verdict: As noted above, the thoroughly intriguing Conform or Be Cast Out from Logan Albright is a history of humankind’s tendency not only to shun nonconformists, but to label them as devils, demons, and Satan worshippers.

Our human trait to wish to learn to appreciate another person’s point of view, albeit possible one that grates against everything we think we know and what we stand for, is an admirable one, but one undertaken in some quarters with a pinch of rebellious salt.

So it begs the question: Is the truth different from one man to another, or is it simply more vital for one set of men to desire (perhaps even need) to believe it means something else than the common core that it exudes to the general masses?

Thus, if that is genuinely the case, as we learn from Albright’s engrossing new book, there is obviously then no need to cast out or shun (or perhaps even burn re: heretics) people based on their own belief systems or other arbitrary categories solely because they don’t slide neatly into your own beliefs of the world.

An unapologetic celebration of those that like to call themselves free-thinkers and who tend to baulk the system as much as possible, in hopes of tilting it to their way of thinking, Conform or Be Cast Out: The (Literal) Demonization of Nonconformists is an informed, passionate discussion of the trials and tribulations of being an individual with free will.

About the Author - Logan Albright is a pagan, occultist, libertarian, and writer. He lives in Washington, DC.

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