'The Grudge 2'
(Sarah Michelle Gellar, Amber Tamblyn, Jennifer Beals, et al / R / 85 mins / Sony Pictures)
Overview: A curse quickly moves from a burned-down house in Tokyo and spreads to everyone who crosses its path.
Verdict: OK, first of all, that stupid grudge house from the first creepy, not scary and boring movie is still standing, even after Gellar torched it. Don't they have space issues in Tokyo? Wouldn't someone have razed that dang thing by now? Second, Tamblyn is Joan of Arcadia and knows better than to go poking around in the supernatural. So when she does, you're like, "Well, you brought that on yourself." There are other plot lines about some Catholic schoolgirls and Beals getting themselves grudged. And none of it is scary. Not once. And Another Thing. These dumb people just stand there when the ghosts pop up and grab their legs. Run! Shake it loose! And if they're rising slowly out of a bucket of water or something, then you really have time to scram. If you can't get away from the slowest ghosts in Japan, then you deserve whatever you've got coming!