'Snakes On A Plane'
(Samuel L. Jackson, Byron Lawson, Kenan Thompson, Rachel Blanchard, Flex Alexander, et al / R / 85 mins / BVHE)
Overview: An assassin lets a bunch of poisonous snakes loose on a passenger plane in an attempt to kill a witness being shepherded to Los Angeles by an FBI agent (Samuel L. Jackson).
Verdict: Come on, ... with a title like this you knew already that this was going to be the dumbest, most awesomest movie ever! And it is ... and I loved every minute of it! This wonderful cheese-infested movie will live on as a home entertainment staple for decades to come, trust me! Campy B-movie fun, 'SOaP' accidentally succeeded in being absolutely hilarious, is full of fang-popping scares, and is so good it's great!