'Secret Window'
(Johnny Depp, John Turturro / PG-13 / 97 mins / Columbia Pictures)
Overview: Mort Rainey (Johnny Depp), a successful writer trying to cope with a divorce, is staying in his rural home, when a stranger (John Turturro) turns up on his doorstep and accuses him of plagiarism.
Verdict: Something of a one-man-show, 'Secret Window' (culled from the Stephen King novella) is a taught, entertaining motion picture that serves its purpose for sure, and yet telegraphs its intentions too early. It's a shame really as they had all the makings of a top-notch thriller here, except for original ideas – a deficiency that’s difficult to overlook. In fact, Johnny Depp may be the only actor around today who can turn even something as simple as washing and drying his hands into a dramatic clue about the character he's playing! So yeah, Depp has fun with the role and takes you along for a dark, suspenseful ride for the most part, but to be brutally honest 'Secret Window' is in desperate need of a livelier conclusion!
This movie was reviewed at: www.AMCTheatres.com