'In The Cut'
(Meg Ryan, Mark Ruffalo / R / 93 mins / Sony Pictures)
Overview: Based on the novel by Susanna Moore, this psychological thriller follows Franny Thorstin (Meg Ryan), a New York City professor who dives into a passionate, possibly dangerous affair with a police officer (Mark Ruffalo) investigating the murder of a young woman in her neighborhood.
Verdict: In all honesty, 'In The Cut' is just a bad movie, and no amount of erotic content can obscure that simple truth. Full of horrors but lacking a point, and while it is certainly bold, ambitious and often striking, 'In The Cut' isn't as incisive as it pretends to be. The story's unpalatable narrative holes and dramatic missteps will hold sway over the pictures better qualities with most audiences, whilst most people leaving the theatre will ponder the aggressively grim and gory scenes in the car ride home! Basically a sadistic potboiler with a strident post-feminist slant, 'In The Cut', well ... just doesn't cut it!
Reviewed by Gary Stevenson