'My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Cutie Mark'
(DVD / NR / 2015 / Shout Kids)
Overview: In Equestria, obtaining a cutie mark is an important coming-of-age moment for a young pony. After all, ponies acquire their cutie marks only after they discover a unique characteristic about themselves, setting them apart from all other ponies. So when Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom meet, they instantly become friends and make it their mission to find their cutie marks! They are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!
DVD Verdict: My goodness, this is such a delightful DVD series for kids, it truly is! Complete with a back story they already know and love re: the whole My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic scenario, this new tale of 'The Adventures of The Cute Mark Crusaders' is off the charts in its kid-friendly stakes.
No to over state this, but Hasbro has captured lightning in a bottle with a cartoon revelation so pure and enchanting, it has captured the attention of even little boys who wouldn't normally like My Little Pony! Here on this five (5) episode DVD we watch along as from the very first episode, 'The Cutie Mark Chronicles' we get to know more back story about each of the main characters. The motivations of the titular Cutie Mark Crusaders are brought forth quickly, and suddenly we are all on board as to whether or not they can achieve their goal. The full episode listing is: 'The Cutie Mark Chronicles,' 'The Cutie Pox,' 'Flight To The Finish,' 'Pinkie Pride,' and 'Twilight Time.'
In closing, there are several reasons that make this show appeal to me. There are the life lessons. This is a very educational show I feel which I think parents will appreciate, and the life and moral lessons are important ones and aren't delivered in an overly-didactic and convoluted fashion. There is the humor which all comes together to make My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic a winner in this household - and I'm sure yours too, of course. This is a Widescreen Presentation (1.78:1) enhanced for 16x9 TVs.