Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Silver Warrior
(Andrew M. Gray, John Mark Loudermilk, Azim Rizk, et al / DVD / NR / 2015 / Lionsgate)
Overview: As the fight against evil Prince Vekar’s alien Armada gets tougher, the Power Rangers Super Megaforce (Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia and Jake) find themselves receiving help from the Legendary Samurai and Jungle Fury Red Rangers!
DVD Verdict: I'm sure your kids like Power Rangers as much as the next "young adult" in the room! Well, this long running series has fans of all ages – kids who are just now discovering it and adults who first got hooked on the show when they were younger, of course.
For those not in the known though, 'Power Rangers' made their debut back in 1993. Indeed, I can remember my own kids watching those early episodes on VHS and they practiced their moves and pretended to fight evil forces!
'Super Megaforce' is the 21st Season in the franchise and it still has some of the original elements that were present in those early episodes. That said, the stunts and action sequences have definitely been updated using today’s technology.
This brand new 'Silver Warrior' DVD is Vol.2 in the series and has episodes 5-8 at around one and a half hours of entertainment:
5. "Samurai Surprise" - This is a Samurai Tribute episode and also features cameos from Jayden, Mentor Chi and even the MMPR powers!
6. "Spirit of the Tiger" - This is a Jungle Fury Tribute episode in which Casey also cameos.
7. "Silver Lining Pt.1"
8. "Silver Lining Pt.2" - In which the arrival of the Silver Ranger is brought forth.
And so, as the fight against evil Prince Vekar’s alien Armada gets tougher, the Power Rangers Super Megaforce's battle is enhanced by the arrival of the Legendary Samurai and Jungle Fury Red Rangers! The odds are further evened when the Rangers are joined by an unexpected new ally from another planet – Orion, the all-new Silver Ranger! This is a Widescreen Presentation (1.85:1) enhanced for 16x9 TVs.