Title - Pink Lem
Artist - Danceland
For those of you not in the know, which admittedly included my good self, today, with the release of the country-flavored lead single Don’t Act Surprised, the Toronto based jam band Danceland announces their debut album Pink Lem, out July 29th, 2022.
Rooted in the timeless psychedelic Americana tradition, the album is replete with fine, storyteller songcraft, sunny harmonies, lonesome pedal steel, stratospheric lead guitar passages, and a touch of Eastern mysticism.
1. Bluewater Sky
2. Don’t Act Surprised
3. Danceland Road
4. Protection Mantra
5. Down On Me
6. Not Without A Fight
7: 4:20
Opening on the countrified hop skip, mid-tempo rock of Bluewater Sky and the storytelling prose, enriched by lonesome pedal steel guitar, bucolic banjo, and breezy harmony vocals of the breezy Don’t Act Surprised, we then get the funky grooves of the Booker T-imbibed Danceland Road, some Eastern-imbued, languishing rhythms and melodies within Protection Mantra, before the album rounds out on the dulcet, aching blues-rock balladry of Down On Me, the lyrically heartfelt Not Without A Fight, coming to a close on the upbeat and free flowing guitar work within 4:20.
Danceland - Don’t Act Surprised (Lyric Video)
Danceland - Not Without A Fight (Lyric Video)
Danceland - Protection Mantra (Lyric Video)
Danceland - 4:20 (Lyric Video)
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