A Modern Celt, Seeking The Ancestors
By: Mabh Savage - Moon Books - $19.95
Overview: Celtic tradition is at the heart of many aspects of popular modern pagan paths, and this book brings those aspects together to explore the relevance of a 2000-year-old culture in modern-day society. A Modern Celt looks at the Tuatha de Danaan, who they were and their continuing relevance in the 21st century.
It looks at several of the key figures and the legends surrounding them, and considers how they relate to real life, everyday events, and the power they can lend us to deal with our own problems.
Verdict: Furthermore, the wheel of the year brings Celtic festivals and a modern calendar together, and these corner posts of the year help us understand the world as something that existed long before humans arrived, and hopefully will continue to exist long after we are gone.
A Modern Celt considers some of the things we do to try and preserve it, and how these can be inspired by our Celtic roots. With musings from members of Celtic paths about why they feel such a tie to their Celtic ancestry, A Modern Celt paints a picture of an ancient world, alive and thriving today.
I never really referred to myself as a Pagan until I was in my early twenties, author Mabh Savage reveals. I always thought of myself as a witch, and I guess even with this I had my own definition. I know some people shy away from using the word witch because of its many negative connotations, but seeing as my path, or set of beliefs, wasn’t really something I discussed with, well, anyone (not even some family members until quite recently), it didn’t seem to matter. Meeting other like minded, or similar minded people led me into the somewhat dubious habit of referring to myself as a Pagan, simply to help others pigeon hole me.
I’m not sure I actually fit the current definition of Pagan,seeing as most definitions you find will refer to the religious aspects of the term, and I do not think of myself as particularly religious. Understanding the changing of the seasons and the way the world transforms as it turns is not a religion. What I practice is about delight, celebration and respect; worship (which seems to be at the heart of most religions) has very little part to play in it.
Steeped in Celtic lore and mythology, from an early age, Savage understands that not every person will connect with every deity, but that the Celtic tradition as a whole has deep meaning for many modern Pagans. To this end she introduces us to the Irish gods and goddesses, not just as they appear in the ancient tales, but as they have shown themselves in her life and the lives of those close to her.
In addition to discussing the deities, Savage takes the reader through the wheel of the year from the viewpoint of modern Celtic spirituality, offering glimpses into the meaning of each major point on the circle and inviting us to explore them more deeply ourselves.
She also shares wonderful stories from her fellow Celtic Pagans, showing us that magic is very much alive in the world and that it touches those who are open to it.
Which means she also shares her experiences (which are at all times veined with informative and dutifully entwined pearls of wisdom and knowledge) of these Celtic deities as living beings, as current and relevant as you or I, and thus lovingly shares this experience in vibrant, approachable prose.
What this does is provide the reader a real, vibrantly current, living spirituality, connection from the deep past to the most recent moment, whilst at the same time makes historical traditional sources relevant to for the modern reader.
About the Author - Mabh Savage lives in Yorkshire, England, and was raised by Wiccan parents who had a passion for Celtic history, both mythological and actual. She is now involved with several pagan groups and is exploring her heritage as a way to get closer to the world around her, and understand her ancestors more.
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