Our Eternal Existence
By: David Gaggin - 6 Books - $25.95
Overview: In Our Eternal Existence: A Metaphysical Perspective of Reality, channeled entities, like Seth and Michael, maintain that your inner consciousness utilizes expectations to create your life.
Verdict: Our Eternal Existence takes the many disparate scientific, religious, and metaphysical principles into account and answers the questions: Who are we? Where are we? and Why are we here? In so doing, it provides a much-needed ethical philosophy to guide mankind - and a personal methodology to improve our lives.
In what is a thoroughly engrossing, magnificently fascinating new book, created and sculpted specifically for those with an open mind and interested in tuning into the world of metaphysics, what is brought forth here on these pages is a wealth of research and assembled information from numerous sources and times that combine to showcase a defining picture of a man in tune with everything he is conveying.
As I am sure we are all aware of, well, those interested, at the very least, and in general, consciousness is not a process in the brain but a kind of behavior that, of course, is controlled by the brain like any other behavior. Human consciousness emerges on the interface between three components of animal behavior: communication, play, and the use of tools.
These three components interact on the basis of anticipatory behavioral control, which is common for all complex forms of animal life. All three do not exclusively distinguish our close relatives, i.e., primates, but are broadly presented among various species of mammals, birds, and even cephalopods; however, their particular combination in humans is unique.
But I digress, for Our Eternal Existence: A Metaphysical Perspective of Reality from author David Gaggin lays out all we need to know about the topic to hand, along with providing answers for all those searching; or those just overly curious about why we are here and what we need to do to progress in life.
An easy to read spiritual book - and one that is wholly appropriate for people who are already on a spiritual path, of course - the book is notably not all that long in its paged prose, but that just means you are getting a more concise, yet nonetheless diligently profound way for the reader to learn more about the power of thoughts, out of body experiences, dreams and even the afterlife. And so much more.
About the Author - David Gaggin was a highly successful engineer, senior executive and businessman. He designed aircraft for Boeing, directed US Army and Nasa research operations, and founded Cobham Defense Electronic Systems Corp, the world’s leading defense microwave subsystems company. However, his real passion was seeking the answers to questions like: Who am I? Where am I? and Why am I here? He lives in Sanibel, Fl.
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