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Book Reviews
Portalism: An Externalist Theory of Consciousness
By: Jeffrey Laird - Iff Books, $25.95

Description: For an object in the world to be known by the knower, the knower must also be in the world; thus, our consciousness is not in the head, it is in the world.

Verdict: The mind is not the brain. The locus of our consciousness is in the world. Portalism embraces radical phenomenal externalism and represents a contemporary form of dualism that rejects materialist assumptions of mind/brain identity.

As a philosophy of mind, Portalism breaks with traditional thinking in two significant ways: first by holding that consciousness is in fact a fifth fundamental force of nature endowed with behavioral attributes not unlike that of gravity, and second by arguing how consciousness inheres in all living organisms regardless of their biological sophistication.

Portalism compels us to reject traditional monist theories about the nature of consciousness and boldly enter into a new way of thinking about our own reality.

In what is a hefty in weight, solid in matter, and yet thoroughly engaging 247 page read, Portalism: An Externalist Theory of Consciousness (something I myself knew nothing about going in) by retired certified mapping scientist and geographic information systems professional Jeffrey Laird is one of those books that if you have even the slightest bit of curiosity about, you will soon find yourself engrossed for the duration.

As aforementioned, Portalism is the philosophy and application of accessing genius abilities previously glimpsed in former lives, to facilitate quantum change in the individual and their world.

Fundamentally, the process of Portalism is that ceilings put upon on concepts and the floor of fear hold individuals captive by their human consciousness. Therefore, it is now time to open the chambers of the mind and energetic patterning held in the body, for once removed, they become an open-ended channel, a portal to access vast resources and their own genius, previously sealed off to them; all of which Laird offers up deep working knowledge on with this book.

Encouraging a wider spread of human understanding of reality, the overall philosophy of the mind, given Laird’s now expanded on hypothesis of Portalism, of it holding consciousness as a fundamental force to be reckoned with, perhaps after all this time, we will finally be able to plant a stable flag into the scientific study of consciousness itself.

About the Author - Jeffrey M. Laird is a retired certified mapping scientist and geographic information systems professional. He gained a BA in Geography at George Mason University, a University Certified Cartographer GMU and a BA in Philosophy at the University of New Orleans.

Raised in Washington DC, he now resides in Frankfort, Kentucky, USA, where he can be found philosophizing with his friends in the quiet pubs and sidewalk cafes of small town Frankfort.

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