'Alias: A Secret Life - An Alias Prequel'
By: Laura Peyton Roberts
(Paperback / 224 Pages / Random House Childrens Pub. / ISBN: 055349399X / $5.99)
Description:It’s Sydney Bristow’s first mission–in Paris. Her first alias. Her first real enemy. Her first real crush. And her first big mistake. There are a lot of firsts for Sydney. But no second chances.
Verdict: A great book. It's the story of Sydney's first "official" mission - because undercover concerts with sleazy Cubans don't count! Guess who her partner is - Noah Hicks! This book makes him sound relatively hot, not the "No!Augh" assassin he really is. Sydney and Noah go to Paris for a "simple" reconaissance mission - but nothing is as simple as it seems. They have great aliases - wealthy young people! Nothing like that, huh? And Sydney gets to try on pretty clothes! Sydney conquers her fear of deep swimming, which stems from "Laura Bristow's accident". And the first safe house visit! Let me get my scrapbook! Sydney finds herself falling in love with Noah, and almost tricks Francie! My God, Sydney at a frat party! That must be some dorm salad bar! Not really, read the book! (Techno beats of doom...) Does Sydney make it out alive? Well, DUH. She does have a whole series to get through. Does she fall in love with Noah? Well, DUH again! They meet again in Season 1, Episode 18, and Noah meets his timely demise in Episode 19. Oh well. The book makes him seem more appealing than he really is anyway!
Reviewed By Sarah Hickson