'A Rainy Week'
By: Ellen Frances Keast
(Paperback / Eloquent Books / 16 Pages / $10.00)
Description: Eleven-year-old Ellen is very excited to be going on vacation to Lake Okoboji in northern Iowa. She can hardly wait! Summer is Ellen's favorite time of year, and her favorite activity is going to the lake. But the nice, sunny weather Ellen expected has vanished into a week-long deluge of rain. What's a girl to do when it rains on her parade?
Verdict: If you didn't know, aged just ten, 'A Snowy Week' was released by this extraordinary children’s book author, herself now just 11! Indeed, written and illustrated by a wonderful new talent, Ellen Frances Keast has now released her sophomore book, 'A Rainy Week' - and it's just as compelling, trust me!
The story of when a nice, sunny day stops Ellen from hitting the lake, and having to occupy herself with other things in the meantime, if your children have ever been confined indoors during a vacation because of rain, well, Keast shows that there are many fun avenues of activity open to explore!
All contained within just 16 pages, 'A Rainy Week' (dedicated to her grandparents) begins at Lake Okoboji, a second home to her because she goes there so often. It's officially summer and she dreams of going to Arnold's Park to ride her favorite ride, the roller coaster. She also wants to play miniature golf and take a boat ride. But it starts raining, and raining, and raining even more. Lightning and thunder come into the mix too to spoil her plans.
So, she makes a new list of things to do. Entitled 'What to do while it's raining,' the list includes: Go shopping, bake cookies, learn a new card game, go to the children's theatre, spend time with the family, and much more. And so, come the end of the rainy week, one in which the sun never came out, she still managed to have the best week ever!
And, for those that loved the first book, and are already falling in love with the second one, you should all know that the next in the series will be 'A Sunny Week,' set in Hawaii.